
If you were to read #7 Insight, you may sense my apprehension in divulging the actual insight that inspired the post. It is terrifying to explore the deepest parts of yourself that lay hidden for good reason. I guess I have achieved a comfort level with my own unique kind of crazy and as CPAPman developed a level of understanding worth articulating. 

Prescience is not a superpower. It was a curse actually. When some of my dreams or nightmares or memories would end upcoming true. When dejavue or coincidence or augury became so common place I had to ignore it to lead a somewhat normal life. 

First, let me lay some ground work and background so this insight may be more easily understood. Secondly, I wish to say it plainly and put this thing to rest.


[ˈpreSH(ē)əns, ˈprēSH(ē)əns]


presciences (plural noun)

the fact of knowing something before it takes place; foreknowledge:

"with extraordinary prescience, Jung actually predicted the Nazi eruption"

synonyms: farsightedness · foresight · foreknowledge · psychic powers · clairvoyance · prediction · prognostication · divination · prophecy · augury · insight · intuition · perception · percipience

Einstein's Special and General Theory of Relativity, Hubble's Law, Penzias & Wilson's Cosmic Background Radiation, Hawking & Ellis and Hawking & Penrose's papers on singularities all lay a scientific basis of current understanding of time, space and matter. 13.7 billion years ago Hoyle's "Big Bang" started the clock and according to the Friedman-lemaitre Expanding-Spacetime paradigm (making me want to read Einstein's Static Space-Time paradigm as I see a paradox worth exploring) allows for this current insight.

If I am to believe I have seen glimpses of the future I would have to abandon the Therory of Relativity. For to do so I, as an observer, must be outside of Time and be completely motionless. What state of human existence falls outside of Time and Motion? 

Night after night for most of my life suffered from Sever Sleep Apnea and have often described waking up as CPAPman instead of waking from the dead. Night after night I flirted with death in the land of dreams and nightmares. Outside of Time. Motion nullified. Alive in the subconscious only. Choked into death. Shocked into life by neuro-sympathetic reflex. Waking from the dead with dreams, nightmares and memories of people I haven't met, places I haven't been and things I haven't done. Yet. 

OK maybe I'm not so comfortable with my kind of crazy. 

Maybe I'll read myself into blissful CPAP sleep reading Einstein's not so famous Static Spacetime paradigm and come up with my own Theory of Irrelevance. As CPAPman I'm starting to believe anything is possible!


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