#10 Faith

Believing the voice of my heart. Listening to the mind, body and spirit. Guided by my conscience and driven by my soul. Knowing, by Faith, what is right and good. By great Faith being in the right. In Faith doing what is good. For the sake of doing good.

Believing in things that can't be proven.

Having Faith in things that cannot be seen. What cannot be seen? Love. I believe in love. I have faith in love. To love. Being loved. It is the greatest force in the Universe. It is the power of attraction. It binds us and sets us free. 

Faith is Love.

What else cannot be seen. God. I believe in God. I have Faith in God. I believe nearness to God is heaven and absence of God hell. I have Faith he loves me. He loves me and set me free. Being free gives me the power to love. I choose to love God. I choose to have Faith. I choose to have Faith in God. 


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