Superpower #4 The Power to Forgive

Forgiving others is easy. It is not a super-power. I learned early in life the freedom you earn by forgiving those who have wronged you. They do not even have to know. When you forgive someone in your heart it lifts your soul. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You are released from the burden someone else has placed on you. You put it down. You let it go. You walk away. It's very powerful. Makes you want to share it. The freedom. I've learned you can not offer forgiveness. It must be a request. If not sought it is an insult. It is better to ask for it. Asking the offender for forgiveness is a difficult thing to do. Goes against human nature. Touching the Divine is never easy. When you give a gift and it is refused the gift stays with the giver. When you are free and you offer freedom your gift need not be appreciated to have value.

My new Superpower is the ability to forgive myself. I have wronged myself in so many ways. I have failed too many times to count. But the failures and wrong doing has not been what was holding me back. My hate was. My angst. My self destructive behavior was well deserved. When I failed I deserved punishment and no one punished me better than me. My conscious tormented me. My guilt haunted me. My shame defiled me. To the point of unworthiness. I had become unworthy to succeed. Unworthy of forgiveness. Unworthy to be free. Bonded by addictions. Bound to self loathing. A continuous cycle of failure. Unwilling to ask. Unwilling to give.

Then I started waking from sleep and not from the dead. I started thinking more clearly. I started seeing the beauty all around me. The raw emotion lifted me and I asked myself for forgiveness. I said I was sorry. Please forgive me? And I had a revelation. I said I was sorry and I forgave myself. I received forgiveness and was able to give it as well. Freedom was mine! It was there for the taking. I let it go. I put it down. I walked away. I walk a free man. As a free man I can receive forgiveness. If He can forgive me. I can forgive me.

Very powerful. I will do wrong. I will fail. I will forgive myself and receive forgiveness. I can receive my Creator's love. I can love myself. I can love.

Now I can give love.


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