
Not only am I more able to love I am more able to be loved. Hate has been surplanted. Love has been planted. It bears the fruit of insight, mercy and justice.

Looking back, I cut this one a little short. Love. What can I say about it. It's what makes life worth living. It is the force that keeps it all together. The ultimate power of attraction. I once wrote God is love or is it Love is God. How both are only possible when you are completely free to choose. Free to decide if even either exists. You can't see either one. But the works of both are immeasurable. 

I think since becoming the Cman Love is again what it should be for me. A choice. When I was suffocating at night my life was a struggle. Love sustained me. God carried me. They woke me up in the middle of the night to save me. Through the fog of that life they guided me. They were the light in my darkened world. Without them I would not have survived. Now in the light of this new day I choose to pay them forward. I choose to be more than I am. I choose faith and hope. In the darkness I choose the light. I choose to live now. Here in the present. Where God and Love are. They are here now. At this moment. With me. They are not somewhere I must go or something I must do. They are not meant to be earned. How could I ever be worthy to recieve all that I have already been given? God as love and Love as God is. Just as I am. If I let it in. I am Love. I am that, I am.


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