#7 Insight

I don't call this a superpower. Not yet. It could be the superpower if I ever master it. Insight. It came to me several days ago. I couldn't explain it to myself, I wasn't really sure what had happen. A small burst of energy in my mind radiating through my heart and touching my soul. It was wonderful. It was an idea. Or more specifically the coming together of many ideas. I don't remember the idea, but the effect on my mind, body and spirit were unforgettable. When the connection was made there was a rush of some kind of new energy and I became, for the lack of a better word, high. I had found meaning where previously there was none. A void of understanding was filled with something new to me. Insight. Two thoughts, two ideas, garnered from separate experiences, one old one new synergistically uniting to form new meaning. Illuminating understanding and inducing euphoria. I had gained insight. I had learned something very specially about myself and felt really really good. The problem is that for my entire life feeling really really good is good enough. Now I realize it can be a  means to an end.

I must learn to tap this. An insight with no action means nothing. It is not what you think or feel or understand that matter. The only thing that truly matters is what you do. Insight with no corresponding action is nothing. These new synaptic connections being made in my brane achieving new meaning in my mind racing my heart and inspiring my soul is infantile gibberish without insightful action.

To harness this power I must learn that insight that illicits euphoria is a call to immediate action. Being high, euphoria, feeling really really good must not be the ends. It's a trap. It's where good ideas go to die. It is where I have squandered a lifetime of achievement. Fortunately I am no longer suffocating at night and my brane is getting stronger every day. New connections are being made. Dots are starting to connect. Everyday I receive new insight and now on it I will act.


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