Bobby pins

My previous post was short and distressing. The Cman sounded desperate as his super powers were fading. The CPAP mask was not working. In fact, it was causing sleep depervation. When the mask pops loose it's pretty dramatic when, pit-issssh sssshhh, compressed air starts spraying into your eye and it is a very disturbing way to be woken up. Between sleep deprecation and repeatedly giving up on the CPAP in the middle of the night and suffering from apnia. Cpapman was lost. His last act was to call out for help in the form of a blog post. Fortunately his alter ego "the man" never runs from his responsabilities as a dad, even when not sleeping or suffocating when he sleeps. Shortly after Cpapman's call for help the Man was desperately trying to get his youngest daughter ready for ballet. Struggling with the dreaded bunn when the solution crawled into his foggy and muddled thoughts, bobby-pins. Bobby pins of course. Could the solution possibly be so simple and inexpensive? That night the Man selectively placed four bobby pins on the CPAP Mask of Freedom and the next morning Cpapman rose from sleep and not from the dead. It took some time to restore his powers, but before long he was back seeking beauty, thinking clearly and once again able to write mildly humorous blog posts. Now once again, the snoring silenced, the wife happy, the world is a brighter place, and Cpapman is back and better than ever!

Dear God, Thank You for a goodnight sleep. And Thank You for Cpapman! Bless him and keep him from harm and help him make the world a better place. In the name of Emmanuel I pray. Amen.

P.s. Thank You for daughters, bunns and bobby-pins!


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