I am an empath. Always have been always will be. Now that I breathe at night while I sleep I have come to terms with what I am. I feel what other people feel. My big sister was deaf. She was raised in a "main streaming" program that was meant to train her to live a full life outside of the deaf community. My personal oppinion is that this program was bullshit, but I also must admit it worked. Within the confines of this program we siblings were not allowed to learn sign language. My sister had to read lipps. As her little brother I grew up lip reading with my sister. We would talk to each other without using our voices. As adults my brother and I had difficulty using our voices with our sister, but we could lip away with her from across the room. As her little interprater growing up she would often look to me when she would miss what was being said and I would lip it to her. It was quite a parlor trick, but was really way, way more than that. Now that she's g...