Superpower #5 Humility

Spending so many years ignoring the obvious and allowing my ego and pride to blind me. I walked a tightrope every night between this world and the next. I have been humbled by sleep apnea and its' ability to strangle the life out me. Humbled that I was unaware what was happening while I slept. Snoring is humbling enough on its' own. Knowing I almost snored myself to death is something different all together.

I am not who I thought I was. I am vincible. I am not doomed. There was something wrong with me, but it was not what I thought it was. I was not going crazy. I was dieing. Night after night. Nightmare after nightmare. Year after year. Literally suffocating. Literally not sleeping. Coping. Failing. The struggle was real.


I am lucky to be alive.


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