1st Superpower : Seeing Beauty

I try to capture the beauty around me. It's a futile en devour, but worthy of the effort. Since I no longer live in a cloud and the fog has lifted I see the beauty all around me. Sharing it. Sometimes doubting what I see and know the futility of capturing such beauty to share is a humbling experience. Who am I to judge something beautiful? This thought opens my mind to all that I see. Everything is beautiful when its' beauty is appreciated. My eyes are open as never before. I awake from sleep and not from the dead and behold I see beauty everywhere. I now appreciate what I see and am grateful for it.

Everywhere I look I see beauty. I see so much clearer now. I wake from sleep, not from the dead. My super-powers are growing, but what is clear is the connection with my dogs has deepened. I see it with Tucker (Grand Perinese Wolf) and Emma (Giant Golden Doodle) and Tyler aka T-bone (95 lbs of bad attitude Golden Retriever) they speak to me. We talk. Its weird I know, but real. They trust me, guess that's why it works.


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