Cpapman awakes and climbs mountain

I went to Breckinridge with my family for the weekend. I had only been wearing the CPAP for a week and was struggling with it. The mask is hard to get used to. The pump pushing air through my fat pie hole wasn't a picnic either. While exhaling I felt smothered. Ironic. When it really pumping it would blow my checks out like Louis Armstrong blasting his horn. I had some good coaching, but most nights I failed and would pull it off in my sleep.

I almost didn't bring it. Was going to take a little break for the weekend, bur deep down I was sure it was already making a difference. the nights I made all night with the mask on I woke up different. Breckenridge also sits around 10,000 feet above see level. I was going to need all the help I could get. Also we were staying in a small condo so my family would suffer greatly from my snoring so the CPAP made the trip. I slept like a rock in the thin mountain air CPAP pumping away all night long. Eight hours of blissful sleep.

We ate breakfast then took the Gondola to the base camp at Peak Eight and road the roller Costner and Alpine slides and we split up and play miniature golf with my youngest daughter. The older two and my wife went on their way. After golf Mary was tired and I was hungry so we walk down the mountain to the condo. She wasn't feel so well so I made her her favorite Mac and cheese and we cuddle up on the coach for some cartoons. She napped a little and I was amazed I wasn't napping too. It's one of the things I am very good at. She started feeling better so I asked her if she minded me taking a little walk. I walk all the way down the mountain and into town on the valley floor. I took the above picture of Peak 8 and thought how cool it would be up there. So I jumped on the Gondola to the base, then jumped on the chairlift to the mid-station and started walking up. I kept thinking I would have to stop soon. But soon I was walking the rim of the Horse Shoe Bowl and didn't stop until I was in front of the Patrol Shack warming lodge and my phone rang. My wife calling said she was at the base with Chloe and Kayla and wanted to know if they should come down to the condo to be with Mary and me. She didn't believe me when I told her I was on the Top of Peak 8. Your hear at the base by the rides? No. Your at the top of the lift at the mid-station? No. You are not on top of Peak 8. Your right I'm not all the way on top but height than the T-bar and sitting on the steps of the warming shack as we talk. Is Mary with you? No! 

Kayla went down from there to be with her sister, but Suzy and Chloe jumped on the lift to come meet me or prove that I was making it up. I decided to run down the mountain to meet them at the mid-station and take their picture before they got off. Wasn't sure I would make it down in time, but the run down was a blast and felt more like I was skiing down than running down. The below picture speaks for itself. They could hardly believe their eyes. On the way down I told them I had felt like Superman. Suzy suggested maybe it was the CPAP machine and your really good night sleep.
Just call me CpapMan!


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