Superpower #3: Raw Emotion

This one is a little tricky, I have spent a lifetime avoiding my true nature and my powerful emotions. I have always been an emotional guy. It is not something easily hidden. Nothing makes people more uncomfortable than a grown man crying. It is not natural. I learn early in life to suck down deep the crying emotions until I could be alone. An unfortunate side effect of this skill was being a mess when I found myself alone. I say, "crying emotions" because recently using my newly found clear thinking have discovered happy and sad, joy and sorrow, bravery and fear are all the two sides of the same coin. Living proof of the dichotomy on man. Different triggers on the same gun. Different players on the same team. Different illusions in the same analogy.

Since I stopped suffocating at night my emotions have become raw. Visceral. Unavoidable. The screaming voice of my heart. Not hard to follow your heart if it has been torn out of your chest. Or swells to twice its' size. Fear is real. The hairs standing up on the back of my neck tell me danger is near. Fight or flight. Survive. Protect. These raw emotion have evolved. Like sensors or radar sending out waves and reading the ripples return. These raw emotions have heightened my senses. I begin feeling way before I begin knowing.

Raw emotions are a little tricky. Many times I was able to tap Rage, the scary emotion, and used it to accomplish superhuman feats. It earned me a college scholarship. It almost put me in jail for a really long time. I've been the Hulk, but now prefer Dr. Banner. Rage has its place, but love will conquer all. Raw love is the most powerful force in the universe. Its what holds it all together. God's super glue. Now knowing its' true nature and feeling how much is given me I am unstoppable. With love I can conquer hate. With its light I can brighten the darkness.

I am CPAPman. A man of raw emotion.


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